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Calibration pots for Saudi Arabia scaled in US gallons

3D CAD STEP Files Now Available for Download
We’re pleased to announce that we have produced our first batch of 3D CAD STEP files.
3D Models of our 1100 Series Valve are ready for download in our technical data area. Just simply login or register to access.
Is the 3D model o usable with your particular 3D CAD package? Do you have any other suggestions for how our models could be improved? If so, get in touch. We’re always on the lookout for ways which we can improve and welcome your feedback.

Labelling and Functions of 1100 Series Valve
In our first training video, our Managing Director, Mark, explains the labelling and functions of our 1100 Series Valve.
Pressure Relief and Loading.

ABS 1100 Series Valve Available Now
We are pleased to announce that the Prochem 1100 series valves are now available in ABS.
Acrylonitrile – Butadiene – Styrene (ABS) is renowned for its high impact strength and durability which combine to give exceptional toughness. ABS is especially useful at sub-zero temperatures, where it retains high levels of impact strength. Joints are made using solvent cement, which requires no special tools. With the benefit of low temperature handling characteristics down to -40°C, ABS is used extensively for applications in conditioning and chilled water piping systems.
Another key benefit is the high impact strength of the material, making ABS ideal where potential damage may occur. It has good chemical resistance to a wide range of chemicals including salt solutions, and most dilute acids and bases. ABS is not resistant to concentrated mineral acids, organic acids and solvents such as esters, ketones and chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Sizes and connection options are the same as our PVC, PVDF and Polypropylene materials except for 3/8” BSP screwed. Both loading and pressure relief valve options are as the rest of the 1100 series range and they also meet the same pressure settings for plastic valves. ABS body valves conform to PED 2014/68/EU with ABS as a pressure relief valve to Module B and D of the directive.
Contact us to find out more.

From Galvanised Backing Flanges to 316L Stainless Steel
Prochem’s range of 1100 series plastic valves now come with 316L stainless backing rings as standard.
These have replaced the galvanised steel type that, whilst do the job of connecting to your system, have always had a poor appearance from new and gradually become worse over time.
Our decision to go to stainless both improves the look and lifetime of the backing ring, but the best news is you will not pay any extra for them.
Plastic stub valves are available in uPVC, polypropylene, PVDF and ABS in sizes from DN15 to DN50 with either PN16 or ANSI 150 flange patterns as standard.
Other patterns available by request.
Contact us to find out more.

Servicing a 1100 Series Pressure Relief or Loading Valve
Mark demonstrates and walks through how to dismantle, service and reconstruct a Prochem 1100 Series Pressure Relief or Loading Valve.

Meet Tyler, Prochem’s First Apprentice
In 2018, we welcomed Tyler, our first ever apprentice to the Prochem team.
In just his first few weeks with the company as a Technical Engineer, he demonstrated he could use our 3D Solidworks CAD package, creating models of our valve product range and was quickly offering quotations and processing orders.
With previous experience in a joinery firm and as a warehouse operative for Adelphi Group, Tyler has quickly become a very welcomed addition to our Prochem team. He has proven the ability to prioritise and manage his workload, whilst maintaining communication with his team to ensure projects are carried out smoothly.
With hopes of securing a permanent role, Tyler continues his year-long course to add additional units to his Level 3 Engineering qualification. This will then be followed by a further two years, gaining his HNC qualification.
Keep up the great work Tyler.