Calibration pots for Saudi Arabia scaled in US gallons
Cali-Pots in all PVC and 316L stainless/borosillicate glass
Prochem Services has recently completed an order for 8 off calibration pots for Alderley in Saudi Arabia. The larger Calipots have 316L stainless flanged end caps with borosilicate glass and EPDM seals, they range from 0.05 litres to 40 litres with the scales calibrated in US gallons. The stainless versions have been PMI and DPI tested for the customer. Sizes 0.05 and 0.25 litres are all PVC construction with full face flanges and stainless steel backing rings. Each calibration pot is identified with a number stamped on a stainless steel tag. Prochem calibration vessels also not a calipot are usually filled to the top of the scale and emptied over a minute to check the pump is delivering the correct amount of fluid.